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Generally the rate is $2.40 per user per day. This provides you with a windows work environment similar to what most business use, email, word, excel etc, custom programs are also no problem.

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Managed Security

Managed Services - Managed Security

Protecting Your Data, Protecting Your Business

How safe is your vital information?
What if your data was stolen? Or if confidential information was passed on to your competitors? Even if you have security measures in place you could still become the victim of a data breach, costing you time and money.

Managed Security helps to protect your systems, minimize data theft and safeguard your business by:

We take away the worry of data theft, leaving you to concentrate on growing your business and increasing your revenues.

The Solution

We will monitor your systems, administer your protection and help plan your strategic approach to data security. 24/7.
Managed Security consists of three services:



Systems scanning

Early warning signs of


Email protection

Malware prevention

Software security updates


Audits and strategic advice

Guidance and policy

Strategic security improvements

Systems monitoring takes a comprehensive look at your current systems and spots any threats – fast. Next, administration lets us manage all your security measures and keeps them up to date. And for total protection, our strategic consultancy services work with you in partnership to maximize the protection of your data.

What does it cover?

What can you expect from each service?


Systems Monitoring



What it does

Checks anti-virus measures

Monitors threats and security incidents

Scans systems

Produces regular reports

Malware protection

Email security

Security updates


Produces regular reports

Strategic advice

Hack testing

Guidance and policies

Produces regular audits, reports and recommendations


Highlights issues and threats early on

Builds up a picture of systems’ security

Step towards making your data more secure

Keeps data accessible and safe

Provides the latest protection

Removes the stress of data attacks

Frees up valuable

IT resources

Complete peace of mind about data security

Comprehensive testing of defence systems

Action plan to build up protection

Unified companywide approach to data protection

How do you setup Managed Security?

Protecting your systems is easy. Give our Managed Security team a call and we’ll ensure your data is secure in no time.

If you feel that Managed Security would benefit your business, get in touch with us now.