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Managed Email

Managed Services - Managed Email

Saving Your Business, Time and Money

Common issues with email?
Email is part of our daily life and an essential communication tool for business. How would you manage without it? What if something went wrong?

There are a number of common email issues that might affect your business, such as:

These issues can not only put a financial strain on your business, they can also take up valuable time to resolve. This time could be spent growing your business, keeping your customers happy and winning more sales.

The Solution

Not only is your email system safe and secure, it is always running which means you’ll always be able to keep in touch with your customers.
Managed Email consists of three separate services that can be combined to provide a total solution to these common issues, keeping your email safe, secure and always running.


Anti-virus protection

Spam detection

Allows genuine emails


Cloud based system

Keeps email working

Less risk of data loss


No email ever lost

Easy to search

Frees up server space

You can either go for a complete solution consisting of all three services – archiving, continuity and security – or take a step at a time and build up your level of service.

Why is it effective?

What can you expect from each service?





What it does?

Protects against threats from virus

Blocks spam

Provides constant, automated security updates

Uses a cloud based solution

Protects against server downtime

Integrates with Security to offer full protection to your email

Automates email retention

Offloads email infrastructure

Offers a customized solution for your needs


Systems kept safe and secure

More efficient working practices

No sleepless nights worrying about IT security

Email keeps working

Reduces risk of data loss

Improves communication with your customers

Easy to retrieve important emails

Keeps an audit trail of old emails

Frees up server space

How do you setup Managed Email?

Set up is quick and easy as there is no hardware or software to install. All it takes is a quick phone call to our Managed Email team. They will discuss your requirements and then come and visit your offices to set things up. They can even do this remotely if you prefer.

If you feel that Managed Email would benefit your business, get in touch with us now.